Sunrice 中文本
Brown Rice把整个谷物的营养素与独特的营养素相结合。. 外层提供基本的维生素和矿物,包括th、nia和 magn。. Slightly鱼和rill鱼的合伙人对ala鱼和chi鱼体来说是完美的。. 布朗·赖斯是许多膳食的坚.基础。.
- 成分
- 102 Hassall Street Wetherill Park Nsw 2164 Australia;Po Box 34649 Birkenhead Auckland 1013 Nuova Zelanda
中粒全麦糙米。 - 过敏原
- 不含麸质|胆固醇。
- 服务每包
- 14.3
- 服务的大小
- 70g(约1/3公杯未煮熟的米饭)
150克煮熟的米饭(70克约1/3公杯未煮熟的米饭) - 尺寸
- 原籍国
在澳大利亚生长- 制造商的地址
- 102 Hassall Street Wetherill Park Nsw 2164 Australia;Po Box 34649 Birkenhead Auckland 1013 Nuova Zelanda
- 制造商名称
- 水稻种植者有限公司
- 制造商网站
- 饮食
- Source of Protein| Gluten Free
- 制造热线
- 1800 255 999
- 网内容/计量单位
- 存储指令
- 存放在阴凉干燥处,避免阳光直射。
- 包装材料
- 使用说明
- Pour And Seal 1. Peel Open. 2. Hold Tab Up And Pour Rice. 3. Re-seal By Pressing Tab Down Firmly. Absorption: 1. Rinse Rice With Cold Water. 2. Place 1 Cup Of Rice In A Saucepan. 3. Add 2 Cups Of Cold Water And Bring To The Boil Stir Gently. 4. Reduce Heat And Simmer Covered For 25 Minutes Or Until Moisture Is Absorbed. 5. Remove From Heat And Let Stand Covered For 5 Minutes. Gentle Boil 1. Place 1 Cup Of Rice In A Saucepan. 2. Add 8 Cups Of Cold Water And Bring To The Boil Stirring Occasionally. 3. Reduce Heat And Boil Gently Uncovered For 25 Minutes. 4. Remove From Heat Drain Well And Serve. 1 Cup Of Uncooked Rice = Approximately 3 Cups Of Cooked Rice. For Softer Rice Add More Water.