高纤维。. 99%; Angas Park Apple果在顶峰时被手提,然后经过细微干水果的坚实文字标记,在 emerge子和 ju子出现时,就干 d。. 冲进一旁,并向你们保证,你发现最美好的东西。.
- 成分
- 102 Hassall Street Wetherill Park Nsw 2164 Australia;Po Box 34649 Birkenhead Auckland 1013 Nuova Zelanda
- 每包的服务
- 服务的大小
- 尺寸
- 原籍国的声明
- 通用汽车使用的成分
- 制造商的地址
102 Hassall Street Wetherill Park Nsw 2164 Australia;Po Box 34649 Birkenhead Auckland 1013 Nuova Zelanda
102 Hassall Street Wetherill Park Nsw 2164 Australia;Po Box 34649 Birkenhead Auckland 1013 Nuova Zelanda- 制造商名称
安加斯公园水果公司私人有限公司- 制造商网站
- 市场营销信息
- Angas Park Apples Are Hand Picked At Their Peak Then Meticulously Dried Until The Moment They Emerge Sweet And Juicy With A Firm Texture- Hallmarks Of The Finest Dried Fruit. Bite Into One And Rest Assured You've Discovered The Very Best.
High In Fibre. 99% Fat Free; Angas Park Apples Are Hand Picked At Their Peak Then Meticulously Dried Until The Moment They Emerge Sweet And Juicy With A Firm Texture- Hallmarks Of The Finest Dried Fruit. Bite Into One And Rest Assured You've Discovered The Very Best.
纤维高99%无脂肪 - 网内容/计量单位
- 存储指令
- 储存在阴凉,干燥的地方。开封后冷藏。
- 包装材料
Angas Park