Looking for a snack that's healthy but not boring? Crispy and tasty, but also good for you? No need to compromise! Real Foods Corn Thins are both delicious and diet friendly because they're made from corn. Imagine the glorious taste of sun-ripened maize, combined with 4 wholegrains, popped then pressed into a crispbread slice. With Corn Thins you get all the delicious taste of popcorn -with none of the mess. They're healthy too: all natural ingredients and good levels of fibre.
_x000d_ Real Foods Corn Thins are the great-tasting snack you can enjoy every day, in lots of creative ways. Try them on their own, or with any number of delicious toppings, for example; Sliced roast chicken, spring onions and pesto mayonnaise.
_x000d_ Real Foods Corn Thins are the great-tasting snack you can enjoy every day, in lots of creative ways. Try them on their own, or with any number of delicious toppings, for example; Sliced roast chicken, spring onions and pesto mayonnaise.
- 成分
- 102 Hassall Street Wetherill Park Nsw 2164 Australia;Po Box 34649 Birkenhead Auckland 1013 Nuova Zelanda
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- 原籍国
- 原籍国的声明
- 通用汽车使用的成分
- 制造商的地址
- 102 Hassall Street Wetherill Park Nsw 2164 Australia;Po Box 34649 Birkenhead Auckland 1013 Nuova Zelanda
- 制造商名称
- 皇家食品有限公司
- 制造商网站
- 饮食
- 市场营销信息
- 3百分比脂肪。10%的膳食纤维。不含麸质。非转基因
- 网内容/计量单位
- 预防措施
- 注意:不要在烤面包机中加热。关闭可能是一个窒息的危险
注意:请勿在烤面包机中加热。关闭可能是窒息的危险 - 存储指令
- 包装材料
Real Foods