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Papel higiénico suave y delicado, original, 2 capas, paquete de 6 x 1
En Stock
8,95 $
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For over 15 years safe has led the way in producing Australian's first environmentally responsible paper products.
_x000d_ Following a major in technologically advanced manufacturing equipment, safe is now softer than ever, using fewer resources and minimising waste during its manufacture.
_x000d_ Safe Original Toilet Tissue
_x000d_ -Made from 100% recycled paper
_x000d_ - Australian owned and made
_x000d_ - Embossed for softness and strength
_x000d_ 0 Not Rebleached
_x000d_ - No added fragrances or dyes
_x000d_ - Biodegradable tissue
_x000d_ - Safe for all system including septic
_x000d_ - Safe breaks down rapidly
_x000d_ Following a major in technologically advanced manufacturing equipment, safe is now softer than ever, using fewer resources and minimising waste during its manufacture.
_x000d_ Safe Original Toilet Tissue
_x000d_ -Made from 100% recycled paper
_x000d_ - Australian owned and made
_x000d_ - Embossed for softness and strength
_x000d_ 0 Not Rebleached
_x000d_ - No added fragrances or dyes
_x000d_ - Biodegradable tissue
_x000d_ - Safe for all system including septic
_x000d_ - Safe breaks down rapidly
- País de origen, Declaración de
- Dirección Del Fabricante
- 37-41 Gilbertson Road Laverton North Vic 3026
- Nombre Del Fabricante De La
- Encore Tissue (Australia) Pty Ltd.
- Sitio Web Del Fabricante
- Mensaje De Marketing
- 100 Porcentaje reciclado. Sin tintas añadidas. Tintes o fragancias .; En relieve para suavidad y resistencia; No blanqueado; Tejido biodegradable; Seguro para todos los sistemas, incluido el séptico; Se descompone rápidamente; Orgullosamente respaldado po
100% reciclado. Sin tintas añadidas. Tintes o fragancias.
En relieve para mayor suavidad y fuerza.
No blanqueado
Orgullosamente respaldado por Planet Ark
Se descompone rápidamente
Segura para todos los sistemas incluyendo séptica
Tejido biodegradable - Contenido neto / unidad de MEDIDA
- 6.0 Ea
- Material De Embalaje