Bushells Tea Leaf Blue Label 250g x 1
Bushells Tea Leaf Blue Label 250g x 1

Bushells Tea Leaf Blue Label 250g x 1

We all have friends, family or colleagues who might be struggling to open up. In fact, 1 in 3 Aussies feel stressed, anxious or sad and depressed every day, which means someone you know probably needs a bit of support.

That's why Bushells are proud supporters of Lifeline. Because nothing opens up a good conversation like a great cup of tea! There's no better time to talk than now!

Our classic Blue Label is a well-rounded tea for a good Australian cuppa any time of day. This distinctively smooth and full-flavoured tea blended to taste the same as the original Bushells launched in Queensland in 1883.

Australia’s first tea company, Bushells have brewed full flavoured conversations and friendships for over 130 years. Bushells has a long tradition of bringing Australians together for a good chat over a great cuppa, blended especially for Aussie tastes.

We’ve been part of Australian life for over a century, and proud to be a familiar icon that Aussies have grown up with – a delicious taste of home. Bringing people together for a good chat and a great cuppa is our passion – which is why we support and reinvest in organisations that help ordinary Australians.


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