Cornwells Vinegar Malt 2ltr x 1
Cornwells Vinegar Malt 2ltr x 1

Cornwells Vinegar Malt 2ltr x 1

En estoc
5,95 $
Impostos inclosos

A naturally fermented vinegar that's a favourite on hot chips. Can also be added to chutneys, pickles or marinades.

Free from artificial flavours and preservatives.

Vinegar (Naturally Brewed from Malt (Barley & Wheat) and Fermented Spirit), Colour (Caramel III).
Barley and Wheat.

País d'origen

Proudly Australian made from imported & local ingredients.
Fabricant Adreça
39 Delhi Rd North Ryde Nsw 2113
Fabricant Nom
Fabricant Pàgina Web
No Artificial Flavours| No Preservatives
Fabricant Línia
Net Contingut / UOM
Emmagatzematge Instruccions
La dieta
No Preservatives
Material D'Embalatge
Les Instruccions D'Ús
Perfect For: Drizzling On Fish And Chips. Making Fresh Mint Sauce For Lamb Or Peas. Marinades Sauces Dressings Chutneys Relishes And Pickling.
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