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Naturally fermented from apple cider and ideal for cooking. Try in marinades or glazes or create a classic salad dressing.
Cornwell's Apple Cider Vinegar is perfect for:
- Salad dressings and marinades.
- Drinking with water and honey.
- Making homemade apple sauces, chutneys and relishes.
- Basting roast pork.
- Pickling.
- Ingredients
- Naturally brewed apple cider vinegar, apple extact.
- Al·lèrgens
- Contains Not Applicable.Not Applicable may be present.Free from Gluten| Artificial Preservatives| Artificial Colours| Artificial Flavours.
- Mida
- País d'origen
- Fabricant Adreça
- Fabricant Nom
- Fabricant Pàgina Web
- Dietaries
- No Preservatives| Gluten Free| No Artificial Flavours| No Artificial Colours
- Fabricant Línia
- Net Contingut / UOM
- Emmagatzematge Instruccions