Chapstick Lip Conditioner Strawberry Spf 15+...
Chapstick Lip Conditioner Strawberry Spf 15+...
Chapstick Lip Conditioner Strawberry Spf 15+ Blister Pack 4.2g x 1
Chapstick Lip Conditioner Strawberry Spf 15+ Blister Pack 4.2g x 1

Chapstick Lip Conditioner Strawberry Spf 15+ Blister Pack 4.2g x 1

6,95 $
Impostos inclosos
The original and delicious Strawberry that moisturises, soothes and prevents dry, chapped lips. With SPF15 for  protection against sun damage, and moisturising action to keep lips looking and feeling great every day!

Preservatives: Hydroxybenzoates 1.6mg/g.
Saccharin, Hydroxybenzoates
País d'origen
País d'origen Declaració

Made in USA
GM Ingredients Utilitzats

Fabricant Adreça
38 - 42 Wharf Road West Ryde Nsw 2114
Fabricant Nom
Pfizer Australia Pty Limited
Fabricant Pàgina Web
Fabricant Línia
Toll Free 1800 555 057
Missatge De Màrqueting
Chapstick Strawberry Lip Balm Is A Deliciuosly Flavoured Lip Balm To Moisture Soothe And Prevent Dry Chapped Lips. With Added Spf15 For High Protection Against Sun Damage And Moisturising Action To Keep Lips Looking And Feeling Great
Chapstick Strawberry Lip Balm Is A Deliciuosly Flavoured Lip Balm To Moisture Soothe And Prevent Dry Chapped Lips. With Added Spf15 For High Protection Against Sun Damage And Moisturising Action To Keep Lips Looking And Feeling Great; Loving Lips For Over 100 Years; Moisturises Soothes And Prevents Dry Chapped Lips; High Protection Sunscreen.
High Protection Sunscreen.
Loving Lips For Over 100 Years
Moisturises Soothes And Prevents Dry Chapped Lips
Net Contingut / UOM

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Material D'Embalatge
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