Bandaid Extra Large Touch Strips Bandaid 10...
Bandaid Extra Large Touch Strips Bandaid 10 Pack x 1

Bandaid Extra Large Touch Strips Bandaid 10 Pack x 1

In Stock
5,95 $
Impostos inclosos

Inside every Tough-strips bandage you'll find these technologies:

Quilt-Aid Technology: Non-stick pad technology. A unique quilted pad which draws fluid away from the wound.

Heavy Duty Fabric: For strengthened protection.

Super Stick: Stays on until you want it off.

10 Pack
País d'origen
Fabricant Adreça
45 Jones St Ultimo NSW 2007 Australia
Fabricant Nom
Johnson & Johnson Pacific Pty Ltd.
Fabricant Pàgina Web
Fabricant Línia
Australia 1800 029 979
Net Contingut / UOM
10 Pack
Emmagatzematge Instruccions
Store In A Cool Dry Place.
Quilt-aid Technology
Les Instruccions D'Ús
Single use only., Single use only. Skin should be clean and dry before using dressing. Change dressing daily.
The packaging of this product contains natural rubber latex which may cause allergic reactions. Not intended for use on delicate or sensitive skin., The packaging of this product contains natural rubber latex which may cause allergic reactions. Not intended for use on delicate or sensitive skin. STERILE: Sterile unless individual wrapper is opened or damaged.
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