Coca Cola Diet Soft Drink 1.25ltr x 1
Coca Cola Diet Soft Drink 1.25ltr x 1

Coca Cola Diet Soft Drink 1.25ltr x 1

In Stock
3,95 $
Impostos inclosos
Diet Coke is a deliciously light, sugar free and no calorie soft drink. It delivers a distinct, unique and lighter taste to Coca-Cola Classic. With its bubbly sparkle, ''Diet Coke'' has been refreshing and delighting drinkers for decades. The perfect sparkling soft drink for enjoying on the go, having with a meal or relaxing with at home. Coca Cola Diet soft drink is available in cans, mini cans, Single serve and sharing size bottles as well as multipacks

Carbonated Purified Water Flavour Colour (caramel 150d) Food Acids (338 330) Sweeteners (951 950) Preservative (211) Caffeine
Contains Caffeine. Contains Phenylalnine
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País d'origen
Made in Australia from lmported and Local ingredients
País d'origen Declaració
GM Ingredients Utilitzats

Fabricant Adreça
102 Brines Road Northmead Nsw 2152 Australia
Fabricant Nom

Fabricant Pàgina Web
Fabricant Línia

Net Contingut / UOM
1.25 Ltr
Emmagatzematge Instruccions
Store In A Cool Place. For Best Before Date See Neck Of Bottle
Material D'Embalatge
Coca Cola
Producte afegit a la llista de desitjos