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Coca Cola Diet Soft Drink 1.25ltr x 1
In Stock
3,95 $
Impostos inclosos
Diet Coke is a deliciously light, sugar free and no calorie soft drink. It delivers a distinct, unique and lighter taste to Coca-Cola Classic. With its bubbly sparkle, ''Diet Coke'' has been refreshing and delighting drinkers for decades. The perfect sparkling soft drink for enjoying on the go, having with a meal or relaxing with at home. Coca Cola Diet soft drink is available in cans, mini cans, Single serve and sharing size bottles as well as multipacks
- Ingredients
- Carbonated Purified Water Flavour Colour (caramel 150d) Food Acids (338 330) Sweeteners (951 950) Preservative (211) Caffeine
- Al·lèrgens
- Contains Caffeine. Contains Phenylalnine
- Serveix Per Paquet
- Servir A Mida
- Mida
- País d'origen
- Made in Australia from lmported and Local ingredients
- País d'origen Declaració
- GM Ingredients Utilitzats
- Fabricant Adreça
- 102 Brines Road Northmead Nsw 2152 Australia
- Fabricant Nom
- Fabricant Pàgina Web
- Fabricant Línia
- Net Contingut / UOM
- 1.25 Ltr
- Emmagatzematge Instruccions
- Store In A Cool Place. For Best Before Date See Neck Of Bottle
- Material D'Embalatge
Coca Cola