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Out-of-Stock Medicina i Salut Gaviscon Dual Action Tabs 16 x 1 Gaviscon 714205 11,95 $ Gaviscon Dual Action brings fast, soothing and long lasting relief from the pain and discomfort of heartburn (gastric reflux) and indigestion. It works in two different ways: - More effective reduction of excess stomach acid to relieve discomfort - Forms a protective layer over the stomach contents to soothe the burning pain in your chest Veure
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En estoc Medicina i Salut Rennie 24's x 1 Bayer Australia 714212 8,95 $ Rennie is an antacid that provides fast relief from indigestion, heartburn, acidity, upset stomach or dyspepsia. Rennie neutralises stomach acid to relieve the pain and discomfort. - Fast effective relief from indigestion heartburn, acidity, upset stomach or dyspepsia. - Neutralises stomach acid to relieve the pain and discomfort. - Great tasting... Afegeix a la cistella